What gets up my goat
I suffer from insomnia. God knows why. It's been going on for months now. I go to sleep ok and I sleep soundly for four or five hours and then I just wake up. Half of me blames my iPhone. I roll over to check the time on it and then those buttons just lure me. I check my emails, I check out my stars for the day, my calendar, I add to my calendar...it just goes on and on until dawn. I took up Spanish six weeks ago because I thought I could put these hours and hours of ghastly sleep deprived time to good use. The problem is that whenever I turn the reading lamp on it just seems so damned bright. Why would I turn the lamp on if my ultimate aim is to go back to sleep? So as I slowly slip behind in my Spanish I've been giving some serious thought to what I can do with those hours that could possibly be constructive. I finally decided on this blog. Many of my faithful followers to my previous blog "Vietnam - trave...