
Showing posts from August, 2014

Etiquette and equity in the hotel room.

I am a single woman who occasionally chooses to meet with married men who actively seek an affair on a married dating website.  My question is: w hy would I pay for the hotel room?     I've dated the single, modern "50:50 man" for 4 years now.  So it certainly comes as no shock that the 50:50 man has oozed over to the married websites. The single websites make me laugh with men's catchphrases spouting things like "No gold diggers please" or "I'll shout the first coffee if you send the first email". Or the most ironic one I've seen yet: "I believe strongly that men and women are equals". Scroll down to that same 44 year-old male's age specifications for his female mate, and I can see that he would like a woman aged 25-35. He has no interest in equality. And just like the single men with their belief that equality and feminism mean that women should pay for half of everything, I've not met a married man yet that hasn...