Yes, we know. You love your kids.

How many men mention loving their children in their online dating profiles? Lots. What's that about? Just imagine a lady, slowly scrolling through the male profiles. She clicks on a profile and starts to read...yes, yes, same-old same-old.  Oh hang on!  She sits upright...stiffens a little...reads on. "Oh sweet Jesus!"  She breathes in sharply, choking a little on her coffee. "There it is! I've found him! A man who loves his children."

The worst offenders are men with younger kids who I believe are still in a bit of shock, actually having to spend one-on-one time with their kids involved in more than just the Saturday sport.  Oh, and I mustn't forget the men who claim have their children with them 50% of the time. This second group are as rare as hens teeth, but they certainly want to make you aware of how fucking AWESOME they are.  About 3 sentences are devoted to telling you that they have their children half the time/some of the time, and they abso-frigging-lutely love it! The word "quality" is used a lot here to describe the time they spend with their kid/s.  They may go on to express that their children will always come before anything else, including you.

That's funny really, because one of the main reasons their marriages have failed is that they have involved themselves in 2.6 times fewer hours of direct child care per day when compared to their wife.  Click here for reference. (p.237) These figures stand, regardless of number of paid employment hours/day worked by either parent.  That is, even if their wife was in full-time paid employment, she still spent more than double the amount of time compared to her husband, directly caring for their children.  And the type of caring these fathers involved themselves in while still partnered, was most probably not the day to day humdrum stuff either.  It was more likely to be dishing out discipline, teaching (their) values or playing with kids. Leave the feeding, homework, washing, cooking, clothing, cleaning to mum.

Then there are the men who have their kids every second weekend - that's 2 days per month.  These guys love telling you how their kids mean the world to them.  The other 28 days of the month are spent doing just as they please...usually getting the heart rate up at the gym or riding a road bike in their spandex.  I'd estimate that physical fitness is mentioned in over 90% of male online dating profiles.  Now that's a lot of free time on their hands.  They often add to the end of their profiles that they would prefer a lady who "takes care of herself thank you very much." If they don't add it, they narrow down the appropriate partner by specifying they want "slim" or "athletic" in the physical description section which specifies what their ideal match would be.  The irony is that the majority of women with children are time-poor, probably unfit and overweight because men like them don't invest any time raising their own children.

Gentlemen, it's understood. You are devoted to your children. You love them. They will always come first. You take Julie to karate training because that's your father-daughter time. You're killing me here. Best dad in the world.

There's just no need to mention it in your dating profile.  Statistics don't lie.  Stick to stuff like extreme sports, how well-travelled you are, how great and accomplished you are at your job, how you've reached Mt Everest base camp, how you like to go bush walking, camping, fishing, how you've joined a band, or why not brag about how you are "house-trained".  Just give the I love my kids more than anything else line a miss. Pleeeease.

Following divorce an average of 9.1% of Australian children live with their father the majority of the time. This dips as low as 3.7% when a child is under 4yr of age and this rises to an incredible 12.6% when the child is between 12-17 yrs old.  Click here for reference (p.240)

A staggering 3% of children with one natural parent living elsewhere live in 50% shared care arrangements. Click here for reference (p.240)


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