AM Hack - yawn
I've been pleasantly amused by the media frenzy surrounding the Ashley Madison married dating website hack. Apparently 33 million user accounts leaked - 32, 999, 980 male accounts, and 20 filthy female whores who used the married dating website to lure faithful men away from their loving wives. The media has focused almost exclusively on the women who have had to deal with the fallout. Stories of shocked wives and their now repentant husbands. Addiction counselling. Separation. Apparently even suicide. One local radio station asked women to call in if they suspected their partner of cheating. Really?! I listened as one poor dove of a woman was called up and the bad news broken to her: "Hi Jan, sorry to tell you this, but your husband's email address is on the list…" At first silence. Then "That's disgusting!" Her next response? You'll never guess. She berated the previous caller, a single woman who used AM for casual sex. As Jan said, ...