Emotionally mature or emotionally stuck?

Is it healthy to stay friends with an ex-partner? Does it mean you're strange if you don't? Does staying friends with an ex mean you are emotionally mature or emotionally stuck? Friendship is one thing. Living together for years after a relationship has ended is in an entirely different ball park, especially when you are actively searching for a third person to plop into the mix. I’ve just finished up a relationship with a man who has been living with an ex-girlfriend for the last year. In fact, they have lived together a few times since they broke up 7 years ago. For a confluence of reasons I was told. How did I feel about this? Well, those living arrangements caused a lot of problems for me, as I am sure it would most, if faced with this situation. Problems arose pretty early on, before I even knew they’d had a sexual relationship. I had originally assumed they had dated once or twice and then just said ‘lets be friends.’ N...