The fat tan lady gets angry…again

This came into the comments section of my last blog entry, 'A Valentine Love Poem'. It's from the fat lady with a tanning disorder who lives her ex. I decided that it shouldn't be left in the comments section. It needs a space of its own.  

Amazing...a woman who still uses the term 'man of my dreams'.

Cheer up tan lady. One day that ex that you still live with will look past the outside and notice all those great qualities on the inside. You won't be washing his jocks for nothing then. 

I'm quite proud of a few things you've said about me.  Thank you. 

Whoops, hang on. For a really smooth read, I think it should be: 'Than deranged, fucked up and out of my mind.'  Bugger, it was your punchline too :-(


Ladies and gentlemen! I give you..the ex's ex girlfriend. This is what I was up against when I tried to date a man who still lives with his ex (they're just friends though, really good friends).

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Valentine Love Poem":

A Retaliatory Poem

She vents her spleen on Twitter
Nothing pleasant - purely bitter
Her behaviour erratic and full of anger
A woman of vitriol and rancour

She finally met the man of her dreams
But recurring self-sabotage it seems
Has fuelled her world with spiteful venom
Words spewed up like a deadly weapon

Illogical, irrational and off her meds
She jumps around from bed to bed
Screwing anyone she cares to meet
Her angst reserved for caustic tweets

She is nervous, jealous and derogatory of the "ex"
Whilst actively pursuing married men for sex
It's fairly obvious she's not that bright
She's chosen me to have a fight!

So - Roses are Red, Violets are Blue
My tits are my own to display as I do
I'd rather be big and fifty eight, fifty nine
Then deranged, fucked up and out of my mind.



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